Networking Cheat Sheet
Networking Cheat Sheets are one of the most popular documents for network engineers. With each of these Networking Cheat Sheet network lessons are summarized and this helps to remember important details of network lessons. So, this summary documents are used both to learn the key points of networking and memorize important parts.
Would you like to quick check key points of Network Protocols? Can’t you remember a specific Configuration Command? Why don’t you use, IPCisco Cheat Sheets? IPCisco Cheat Sheets has created for you to easily remember key points of protocols and network Concepts like OSPF, BGP, EIGRP, IS-IS, MPLS, IPv6, STP, VLANs, SDN, Open Flow, Netconf etc. and remind you important configuration commands, system administration commands and programming languages codes. With IPCisco Cheat Sheets you will also benefit from the key configuration commands of four top vendor, Cisco, Nokia, Juniper and Huawei.
There are various Cheat Sheets on You can reach each of these Networking Cheat Sheets on this page. So, what are these Cheat Sheets? We can divide these summary documents related with network engineering like below:
- Network Protocol Cheat Sheets
- Subnetting Cheat Sheet
- Configuration Commands Cheat Sheet
- Linux Cheat Sheet
- Python Cheat Sheet
- Miscellaneous Cheat Sheets
Each of these resources has prepared for you to teach and remind the important details of the key networking lessons. For example, when you are memorizing the administrative distance of routing protocols, you can also check the different cable types and their characteristics. Again, when you are learning BGP message types, you can compare Cisco, Juniper, Huawei and Nokia configuration commands for a specific network configuration.
You can both use Networking Cheat Sheet online or you can download each of them in pdf format. Every Cheat Sheet network pdf can be downloadable on related page.
Network Protocol Cheat Sheets
There are various networking protocols. Each of these network protocols has different characteristics and configurations on various network devices. So, sometimes it is difficult to remember these network protocols and their configurations. Both to teach you and memorize the key points, we have created Network Protocol Cheat Sheets. With these summary cheat sheets, you can memorize the key points on each networking protocol and you will remember how to configure these protocols on Cisco routers and switches.
What are these network protocols? These network protocols are routing protocols like BGP, OSPF, EIGRP etc. Or network redundancy protocols, network security protocols, switching protocols like STP, RSTP, VTP etc. Or Multicast protocols like IGMP, CGMP, PIM etc. You can find each of these protocols and network concepts in a CheatSheet. You can memorize the key points of each of these computer network lessons and you can learn how to configure them on Cisco devices.
For example, with Cheat Sheet BGP, you can learn and memorize the key lessons of BGP like BGP messaging, BGP packets, BGP Path Attributes, BGP configuration commands etc. Like BGP, you can find the same format for the other networking protocols in Cheat Sheets for Networking pages.
Subnetting Cheat Sheet
Subnetting is one of the most important lessons of computer networking. Network engineers learn subnetting in their first days and sometimes this lesson can be difficult to understand. Beside to act quickly sometimes a Subnetting Cheat Sheet is needed by network engineers. Because, some network engineers do not want to calculate subnetting for minutes. So, Subnetting Cheat Sheet has created for you to make subnetting lesson easier for you. You can use this Subnetting Cheat Sheet both for your network certification studies and during your network operations. You can also use cheat sheet for subnet verification during your IP addressing activities.
Subnetting Cheat Sheet can be downloadable on the related page. You can download Subnetting Cheat Sheet pdf and you can use it on your own computer. Beside you can use this summary document online.
Cisco vs Juniper vs Huawei vs Nokia Commands Cheat Sheet
There are various Configuration Commands Cheat Sheet on Internet. But Configuration Commands Cheat Sheets is the first one that compares top 4 Network Vendor: Cisco, Juniper, Huawei and Nokia. With these configuration commands summary sheet, you can learn how to configure a protocol or a network concept in these 4 top network vendors. You can compare Cisco commands with Juniper commands, you can check how to configure a routing protocol in Nokia and you can compare it with Huawei configuration commands.
There are four lines on this CLI Sheet Cheet. Each of these lines is for one vendor and in one line, you can see one commands in 4 different languages, Cisco, Nokia, Huawei and Juniper versions. In this CheatSheet, you can learn the most used routers’ and switches’ command line in networking world.
Cisco is one of the most popular networking vendors. So, to memorize Cisco commands you do not need to write Cheat Sheet Cisco on internet anymore. You can use CLI CheatSheet as Cheat Sheet Cisco Commands or you can use it as Cheat Sheet Juniper.
This summary CLI sheet will help you for your certification studies and for your configuration activities. Whenever you forget a specific Cisco command, a Juniper command, a Huawei command or a Nokia command, you can check this Command Cheat Sheet and you can learn each version of this configuration commands. This document can be used as comparison cheat sheets. For example, you can use this document as Cisco to Juniper Cheat Sheet or you can sue it as Cisco to Huawei Cheat Sheet etc. Whichever you use, this document will help and speed up your works.
Cheat Sheet Pyhton
Python is one of the most important programming languages for a network engineer. Especially in network automation, we use Python a lot. As networking protocols, sometimes Python keywords and language can be forgotten. So, to memorize the key parts, we can use Cheat Sheet Python and easily remember the key parts and important codes of Ptyhon. On, you can find Python Cheat Sheet and use it for your network automation activities. Beside you can use this summary document to learn Python.
You can download Python Cheat Sheet pdf in pdf format. You can also use this Networking Cheat Sheet online on Python Cheat Sheet page.
Cheat Sheet Linux
Linux is another important area for network engineering. Beside networking knowledge, linux system administration is very important. Linux Cheat Sheet has prepared to teach and remind you important commands of Linux Operating System. With this Cheat Sheet Linux commands can be easy to remember for you.
There are different Linux types like Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu, Kali etc. Here, in Linux Cheat Sheets, we will focus on generally used configuration commands by many of these Linux types
Miscellaneous Cheat Sheets
On miscellaneous cheat sheet page, you can find different cheat sheets like important ports, cable types etc. You can use these summary documents to remember the key parts of various network lessons. You can download them in pdf format or you can use each of this Networking Cheat Sheet online on
Network Protocol Cheat Sheets.
Perfect quick references for network protocols, subnetting and configuration commands. Excellent!
Thank you very much and always welcome Olganka;) Enjoy!
Very useful cheat sheets. I will use them in my studies and daily operations. thank ou very much!!!
Thanks a lot and always welcome Erick;) Enjoy!
Je suis informaticien
Et j’adore vraiment les outils cisco
Ça me permet de m’améliorer du jour au lendemain c’est intéressant pour moi dans ma carrière professionnelle
Content d’entendre ça. Bonne carrière chez Cisco. bonne chance!
I would like to enhance my networking skillset
Go on Michael, networking is waiting for you:)