Packet Tracer CDP Configuration As we have talked about in the previous lesson, CDPis a Cisco proprietary Neighbor Discovery Protocol. In this article, we will discuss how to configure CDP …
CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) is a Cisco specific Neighbour Discovery Protocol works on Layer 2. CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) is also licensed to run on some network devices of other …
LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) is a Standard Neighbour Discovery Protocol that is used by all vendors. Like all other Neighbour Discovery Protocols like Cisco CDP, LLDP works on Layer …
Neigbour Discovery Protocols provides directly connected devices to discover and collect information about each other. Network devices can provide directly connected neighbour device’s identification, configuration and any capabilities. Neighbour Discovery …
Packet Tracer RIP Configuration In this RIP Cisco Configuration lesson, we will focus on how to configure RIP (Routing Information Protocol) on Cisco Routers. Generally in all network courses, RIP …