Personality Interview Training 1

Personality Interview Training 1

Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
What is your greatest weakness?
(You are a strong person if you know your weakness and it is good to learn from your mistakes. Show that you are aware of your weakness and how you overcome it. You can minimize this part. This is the part that shows you are a self-aware person or not)
Question 2
Describe your dream job?
( This is the question that will measure in which type working life you are confortable and what is your wishes. Talk about the best job that you dream. Do not hesitate to talk about you will move on one day or you ll do your own business. This can also show your vision  for the future.)
Question 3
How do you achieve your goals?
( Talk about your eager and ambition to achieve your goals. You can add your self-improvement steps, plans etc.)
Question 4
What do you know about our company?
(Before the interview collecting information about the company is always your homework. Make a general survey about the company. Prepare a summary for yourself. You can use basically company website for this short survey.)
Question 5
What are your hobies ?
(You should tell as many things as you do because, all hobbies gives people a special view. But you should be honest because people can go deaper in this area.)
Question 6
Tell me about yourself...
(Talk about not everything, but what makes you the best and fit for this role.)
Question 7
What is more important for you, money or success?
(Everybody wants to earn more. But, it is better to be political. The best answer is saying, money follows the success.)
Question 8
Are you a team player?
(Explain how you are a team player. Give examples from you previous jobs)
Question 9
Describe your best boss...
( This is a tricky question that measures that you blame your old boss or not. You can say that you have learned many things from the past bosses. what to do and not to do. According to these experiences, draw an optimum picture)
Question 10
What are your salary expectation?
(Always say a range. Check the avarage salaries and say a salary range. If you don't say anything, this means that you have less self confidence.)
Question 11
What motivates you on a job?
(You can talk about the things that feel you good in the job. This can be the bahaviour of your boss, working styles, social things etc.)
Question 12
Have you ever had a conflict with your boss? How was it resolved?
(Not say no, because this make interviewer to ask deeper questions. Say yes and talk about your nice behaviour to resolve it.)
Question 13
Describe a typical work week...
(You can talk about your general activities in a week. Your plans, your social behaviours, your working style etc.)
Question 14
What have you done last year to improve your career?
( Tell your activities that can help to improve your career. Courses, social activities, seminers etc. This will show that, you are a self-improvement person.)
Question 15
Why do you want to work in this role?
(Don’t just say you like it. Anyone can do that. Focus instead on your history with that particular role, and if you can, tell a success story.)
Question 16
What type of people do you find it difficult to get on with?
(This is a tricky question and this question measures your communication skills. Working with all types of people is a nice answer. One of the reason is that, all people special and from all of them you can learn something)
Question 17
Why should we hire you?
(Focus on the role and how you fit in this role.  Talk about your talents that makes you a very good candidate for this role.)
Question 18
What challenges are you looking for with this role?
(Explain how you can use your experiences and talents in this role and how this role develop your career.)
Question 19
How is your communication skills?
(Talk about your soft skils that will show your social behaviours and relationship with other teamwporkers. You should be positive and tell your strong soft skills on this are.)
Question 20
How long would you expect to work with us?
(The best answer is not giving a certain time. You can say that as long as you and them feel good.)
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There are 20 questions to complete.