What is IGMP? IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) is a Host-Router Multicast Signalling Protocol that provides dynamically registration of the hosts to the desired Multicast Groups. With IGMP, Host requests …
What is Multicast MAC Address? Multicast MAC Addresses are the MAC addresses start with 0100:5e . As you know, MAC address has 48 bits and consist of vendor code and …
Multicast Addresing is the addressing that is used for Multicast Groups. We can divide Multicast Addressing into two: IPv4 Multicast Addressing IPv6 Multicast Addresing These addresses identifies the destination of …
There are different transmission techniques in communication if we divide communication according to the receivers. These communication techniques are: Unicast Multicast Broadcast Anycast Unicast is the communication that there …
We can divide the IPTV compontents into 5 parts. These parts are defined below: National Head-End : Origination point of network broadcasts for tranmisssion over the IP network. Core Network …