
Sequence & Acknowledgement Number Sequence and Acknowledgement fields are another important fields in TCP Header. Each of these TCP Header Fields are 32 bits long. Datas generally sent and received 
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Here, we will talk about two options for configuring Frame-Relay Maps. One is Inverse-ARP and the other is with “frame-relay map” command. To show this in a basic topology, we 
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Here, in multipoint Frame-Relay configuration, we will use the same Cisco 3600 series routers and a frame relay switch. But here, our configuration will not be point-to-point only. Routers will 
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AS you know Frame-Relay is a well-known WAN technology that generally used for backbone routers. To understand the basic configuration of Frame-Relay, there is a configuration below with three Cisco 
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In this lesson, we will focus MPLS in Networking and we will learn the answer of what is MPLS? So, What is MPLS? MPLS is a Packet-Forwarding technology which uses MPLS Labels for data forwarding 
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