In this lesson, we will configure VPLS on Nokia Service Routers. Before any Service configuration, our IGP configuration must be done and the network must be converged. We had talked …
VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service) and h-VPLS (Hierarhical VPLS) has some common and different properties. So they have different aadvantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will focus on the …
H-VPLS (Hierarchical VPLS) is the more scalable version of VPLS. Basically, H-VPLS has some architectural difference than flat VPLS. You can also view the lesson, that we have talked about …
BGP MED (Multi Exit Discriminator) Attribute is the BGP Path attribute which provides information to the external neighbours, about how to come their Autonomous System. This is opposite of Local …
BGP Origin Attribute informs the Autonomous Systems (AS) about the originator of that route. It is a Well-Known Mandatory BGP Path attribute like AS Path Attribute and Next Hop Attribute. …