
Both One-to-One and Facility Backup can protect different network elements. And these can be achieved by two ways: – Node Protection : Protect against the failure of the next downstream 
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The goal of the protection is minimizing the down time. To do this, protection must be done near to the failure. Local protection does this. By doing this types of 
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As we say in the following articles, while using Secondary LSP-Paths, sharing links between Primary and Secondary LSP-Paths must be avoided. We can say this term “Path Diversity“.There are some 
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There are some different types traffic protections. In general we can divide these types into two groups. End-to-end Protection and Local Protection. End-to-end Protection is using Secundary LSP-Paths as a 
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As you know, we can prioritize some of the traffic with MPLS-TE because of their nature. The high priority can be given to the voice and video traffic. Because they 
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