How Will Be Our Lifes With IoT ?

IoT (Internet of Things) will create values in many parts of our lifes. From home to work, city to urban IoT will provide us many user friendly and effective applications. With IoT, world will enter a new era in technology. So what are IoT Benefits?

Then, in which areas will IoT create values? We can answer this in nine category. In other words, IoT create values in nine category of life. Thse categories and the IoT (Internet of Things) created values are mentioned below.

Human : With the devices attached to human body, IoT provide measurements and control of human. IoT created values can be divided two sub category in Human category. Human Health & Fitness and Human Productivity.

For the first sub category, Human Health & Fitness, IoT provide remote monitoring of the patients, self control of your healt values.

The second sub category is about Human Productivity. You can provide augmented-reality and this can instructs your employees for the correct work precedures. You can also monitor and direct the people for higher productivity.

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Home : IoT creates value in home automation. The control of home security systems, thermostats, airconditions, refrigirators, self guided vakuum cleners etc. will be provided by IoT. You can adjust your house temprature before coming home. Yo can program your self guide vakuum cleaner to clean the house when you are not at home. Yor refrigirator will order food if there is not enough. Your security cameras can be monitored from everywhere.

Retail Environments : During shopping, in a restaurant, in any place as a customer, IoT will provide instore messages, online reservations, any optimizations for you. When you are in a shopping mall, you will receive a message about a discount on something you need for yourself, according to the information stored their database before.

Offices : In offices, energy efficiency, security controls and productivity monitoring will be done by the applications of IoT. With IoT , office’s energy usage can be controlled and the optimum usage will be provided. As house security systems, offices can be monitored remotely. With the efficient mechanism and remote monitoring, employee productivity will improve.

Factories : Automation systems, operation efficiency is the area that IoT create value in factories. Many of the manual works can be done remotely by newly defined IoT applications. More that one device can be controlled by an employee and the efficiency will improve by self operating automation devices.

Worksites : In Oils stations, mine stations, IoT will provide more human healt and safety control. People will be proactive for the disasters and the lost will be minimum with the usage of IoT. More predictive maintenance will be provided. With the information provided, more efficient search will be done.

Vehicles : By controlling vehicles like cars, buses, trucks, airplanes etc. efficient and condition based maintenance will be provided. Wrong routes, unefficient working will be avoided. Self guided vehicles will be more in our life with IoT.

Cities : Traffic control, environment monitoring, efficient public transportation times, water and air quality etc. will be some of the main aims that IoT create value. You can see the time that the public transport come and time consuming will be minimum. Traffic lights, street light will be controlled according to the conditions of the wheather.

Outside : Routing of the vehicles outside the city, providing condition based routes to the ships, airplanes, truks etc.

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