TCP Window Size, Checksum & Urgent Pointer The window, checksum and urgent pointer are another important fields in TCP header. Each of these fields are 2 bytes long. Window Size …
IPv6 Subnetting We have talk about IPv4 Subnetting in another lessons. In this lesson, we will focus on IPv6 Subnetting and how to use it with IPv6 Addresses. Subnetting is …
What Are The Types of IPv6 Addresses? IPv6 has some similar and some different address types than IPv4. There are still unicast addresses in IPv6 world but this time there …
What are the IPv6 Benefits? The new IP Protocol, IPv6 Protocol comes with some new features beside it. These new features brings manay benefits together with IPv6. What are these …
What is an IPv6 Address? IPv6 Address is the new generation IP address that is mainly deveoped to overcome IPv4 exhaust and its limitations. As you know, IPv4 Addresses …