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How to Password Recovery on Cisco Routers?
There are several reasons to recover a router’s enable password. For example you can forget the password or somebody might give a password that you don’t know. So, to reach your router’s or switch’s command line interface, you should recover this password. In this lesson, we will focus on Cisco Password Recovery.
During your access and Cisco Password Recovery, it is important that recovering the password without loosing any configuration. To recover a Cisco router’s, switch’s enable password, do the followings:
1-) FOr Cisco Password Recovery, firstly we will prevent the IOS load at the beginning. For this during startup use CTRL+BREAK (CTRL+C). By doing this, we will enter the rommon mode. By the way rommon mode is a limited operating system on router.
2-) In Rommon mode we will change the configuration-register. To do this, write “o/r 0×2142” command. By entering this command we prevent the router to load the configuration on NVRAM.
3-) Here, shutdown the router. This time, because of the fact that our configuration wasn’t been loaded, IOS will ask us if we think to buld a new configuration.Our answer will be No. After that the default command line router> will appear.
4-) In command line write enable, and this time we will enter the enable mode without password.
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