Routing Policy Configuration on Juniper Routers

Juniper Policy based routing, router control and data plane view

Routing Policy Configuration on Juniper Routers

Routing Policies are the rules that allows you to control and modify the default behaviour of the routing protocols like RIP, OSPF, IS-IS etc. With this control and modify mechanims, you can arrange the routing facilities for your network needs.

A Routing Policy consist of different “terms”. This terms include “match” and “action” parts. A basic meaning of this is, the matched traffic with “match” field is behaved according to the “action” field.

To use a Routing Policy, firstly you need to create it. After this, you can use this policy by applying them to the routes.


Let’s see how to write a routing policy step by step.

Before Routing Policy Configuration, let’s configure a basic Prefix List that we will use in the policy. Our Prefix List name will be OurPrefixList.

junos-user@Kosem> configure
junos-user@Kosem# edit policy-options

[edit policy-option]
junos-user@Kosem# prefix-list OurPrefixList

[edit policy-option prefix-list OurPrefixList]
junos-user@Kosem# set

[edit policy-option prefix-list OurPrefixList]
junos-user@Kosem# set

[edit policy-option prefix-list OurPrefixList]
junos-user@Kosem# set

[edit policy-option prefix-list OurPrefixList]
junos-user@Kosem# set

[edit policy-option prefix-list OurPrefixList]
junos-user@Kosem# set

[edit policy-option prefix-list OurPrefixList]
junos-user@Kosem# commit
commit complete.

Now, we cacn focus on our Routing Policy configuration.

A Routing Policy can be configured under “policy-options”. To create a Routing Policy, firstly,  we need to go under policy-options. Prefix Lists are also configured under this hierarchy.

junos-user@Kosem# edit policy-options

[edit policy-options]

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