VPRN Configuration on Nokia Service Routers

VPRN Example Topology

How to Configure VPRN on Nokia Service Routers?

In this post, we will focus on the configuration of VPRN Service on Nokia (Alcatel-Lucent) Service Routers. Here, We will use Alcatel-Lucent 7450 Service Router as a PE Router. Our Provider Routers will be Nokia (Alcatel-Lucent) 7750 Service Routers. But, there will be no configuration on P routers in this post. We assume that we have a proper Provider MPLS Core.


For VPRN Configuration, we will use the below topology:


Alcatel-Lucent, VPRN Example Topology
VPRN Example Topology

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MP-BGP and BGP Configuration between

To Configure VPRN, firstly routing protocol configuration must be done. Then MP-BGP must be enabled between PEs. Firstly let’s cofigure MP-BGP.




PE1# configure router autonomous-system 64600
PE1# exit all


PE1# configure router bgp
PE1>config>router>bgp# group “multi-bgp”
PE1>config>router>bgp>group$ family vpn-ipv4
PE1>config>router>bgp>group$ peer-as 64600
PE1>config>router>bgp>group$ neighbour
PE1>config>router>bgp>group>neighbour$ local-address
PE1>config>router>bgp>group>neighbour$ exit all


PE1> config>router>bgp# info
group “multi-bgp”
family vpn-ipv4
peer-as 64600




PE2# configure router autonomous-system 64600
PE2# exit all


PE2# configure router bgp
PE2>config>router>bgp# group “multi-bgp”
PE2>config>router>bgp>group$ family vpn-ipv4
PE2>config>router>bgp>group$ peer-as 64600
PE2>config>router>bgp>group$ neighbour
PE2>config>router>bgp>group>neighbour$ local-address
PE2>config>router>bgp>group>neighbour$ exit all


PE2> config>router>bgp# info
group “multi-bgp”
family vpn-ipv4
peer-as 64600


To verify this, you can use, “show router bgp neighbour” command.



As an example for routing protocol configuration, I will give the configuration between Customer Routers and PE1 router.


PE1# configure service vprn 500
PE1>config>service>vprn# autonomous system 64600
PE1>config>service>vprn# bgp
PE1>config>service>vprn>bgp$ neighbour
PE1>config>service>vprn>bgp>neighbour$ peer-as 64601
PE1>config>service>vprn>bgp>neighbour$ exit all

PE1# configure service vprn 600
PE1>config>service>vprn# autonomous system 64600
PE1>config>service>vprn# bgp
PE1>config>service>vprn>bgp$ neighbour
PE1>config>service>vprn>bgp>neighbour$ peer-as 64602
PE1>config>service>vprn>bgp>neighbour$ exit all


CE1>config>router# bgp
CE1>config>router>bgp$ autonomous system 64601
CE1>config>router>bgp$ neighbour
CE1>config>router>bgp>neighbour$ peer-as 64600
CE1>config>router>bgp>neighbour$ exit all


CE2>config>router# bgp
CE1>config>router>bgp$ autonomous system 64602
CE2>config>router>bgp$ neighbour
CE2>config>router>bgp>neighbour$ peer-as 64600
CE2>config>router>bgp>neighbour$ exit all


In our example MP-BGP will be used between PE routers. Between CE and PE routers BGP will be used. Here, any other routing protocol can be used. But we prefer BGP. So CE and PE are BGP peers.



VPRN Configuration

1.Create Customer.

PE1# configure service customer 200 create
PE1>config>service>cust# description “Our VPRN Customer 1”
PE1>config>service> cust # exit
PE1>config>service# customer 300 create
PE1>config>service> cust # description “Our VPRN Customer 2”
PE1>config>service> cust # exit all



2.Create VPRN Services associated with Customer ID.

PE1# configure service
PE1>config>service> vprn 500 customer 200 create
PE1>config>service>vprn$ description “VPRN Service of Customer 500”
PE1>config>service>vprn$ router-id
PE1>config>service>vprn$ exit
PE1>config>service# vprn 600 customer 300 create
PE1>config>service>vprn$ description “VPRN Service of Customer 600”
PE1>config>service>vprn$ router-id
PE1>config>service>vprn$ exit



3.Configure Route Distinguisher and Route Target

Lesson tags: vprn, l3 vpn, vpn services
Back to: Nokia Service Architecture > Nokia VPRN (L3 VPN Service)

2 Responses to “VPRN Configuration on Nokia Service Routers”

  • Bavalia chandresh / / Reply

    can i get pdf file of these lessons ?

    • gokhankosem / / Reply

      For now, pdfs are not available Chandresh. But in a short time, my books will be available;)

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