VPWS – Local Epipe Configuration


Local Epipe Configuration

In the previous part we have talked about the VPWS service of Nokia. Now, we will focus on the configuration of the VPWS Service on Nokia devices. In this lesson, we will learn Local Epipe Configuration. In the next lesson, we will learn Distributed Epipe Configuration.


As you know, there are types of VPWS. Epipe, Fpipe, Apipe, Cpipe and Ipipe are these types. The most important and widely used is Epipe service. So, here, we will start with Epipe service configuration.


Epipe service is the Point-to-Point Ethernet L2 VPN Service between two Service Routers as we have talked before. Ethernet is a widely used technology, so with ethernet, VPWS Epipe service become widely used beside other types.


As Other Nokia VPN Services, in VPWS the service configuration has some basic steps. In this configuration lesson, we will focus on these configuration steps, and we will show Epipe VPN Service configuration steps one by one.


Nokia VPWS Service Logic
For Epipe VPN Configuration we will create the service with service ID firstly. In the same command, we will also create a customer and link VPN service to this customer.Then, we will define SAPs and SDPs. pipe


Here, one point is important. If we are configuring a Local Epipe, an Epipe that is used on the same device, we will need to configure multiple SAPs and there is no need for SDP configuration.


If we are configuring a Distributed Service that need multiple device, then we need to configure also an SDP beside SAP or SAPs.


Aftet this two important terms, the last configuration step is “enabling the service”. We will enable our Epipe VPN Service.


Now, let’s configure two examples topoogy for Epipe VPN Service.


Here, we will configure a Local Epipe Service first and then we will configure a Distributed Epipe Service.



Required Configurations Before Epipe Configuration

Nokia Epipe Service configuration needs some pre configuratiions as all the other Service configurations. What are these preconfigurations? These preparation steps are given below:


  • Build the IP (GRE) or IP/MPLS core network.
  • Configure Routing Protocols (OSPF,ISIS etc.)
  • Configure MPLS LSPs (if MPLS is used).
  • SDPs must be created.
  • Accounting Policies, Schedular Policies, QoS Policies and Filters must be configured .


These steps and pre configurations are required in all Service Provider networks that provide VPN Services. This is also required for Epipe VPN Service.



Local Epipe Service Configuration

For Local Epipe Service Configuration, we will use the below topology. This is a basic router not a topology exactly. Because, Local Service Configuration is done in the same device.

The first step is creating Epipe VPN Service with Service-ID. In the same command we will create a customer and link this service to the customer.


Nokia-Router-1# config
Nokia-Router-1>config# service
Nokia-Router-1>config>service# epipe 10
Nokia-Router-1>config>service>epipe# customer 2 create


Under the service, we will also configure a description. And we must “no shutdown” the service.


Nokia-Router-1>config>service>epipe# description “Local-Epipe”
Nokia-Router-1>config>service>epipe# no shutdown


Now, we will configure the SAPs under this Service. We have service configuration but there is nobody to send and receive on this service. We will configure these end points, SAPs.


Here, we will also define the encapsulation type firstly. Encapsuation is configured with “ethernet encap-type {dot1q|null|qinq}” command. For one customer and one service per port, we will configure this port encapsulation as null.


Nokia-Router-1>config# port 1/1/1
Nokia-Router-1>config>port# ethernet encap-type null
Nokia-Router-1>config>port# exit


Nokia-Router-1>config# service epipe 10
Nokia-Router-1>config>service>epipe# sap 1/1/1 create
Nokia-Router-1>config>service>epipe>sap# no shutdown
Nokia-Router-1>config>service>epipe>sap# exit
Nokia-Router-1>config>service>epipe# sap 1/1/2 create
Nokia-Router-1>config>service>epipe>sap# no shutdown
Nokia-Router-1>config>service>epipe>sap# exit


To verify our VPWS Configuration, we can check the service configuration by “info” command under the service.


Nokia-Router-1>config>service# info
Epipe 10 customer 2 create
description ” Local-Epipe ”
sap 1/1/1:0 create
sap 1/1/2:0 create
no shutdown


In the second example, we will show the other VPWS Verification commands one by one.

For the second Epipe example, Ditributed Epipe Configuration, you can continue with the other lesson.


Lesson tags: vpws, l2 vpn, vpn services
Back to: Nokia Service Architecture > Nokia VPWS (L2 VPN Service)

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