Basic Frame-Relay Configuration with both Inverse-ARP and Frame-Relay Map Command

Frame Relay Map


Basic Frame-Relay Configuration with Both Inverse-ARP and Frame-Relay Map Command

Here, we will talk about two options for configuring Frame-Relay Maps. One is Inverse-ARP and the other is with “frame-relay map” command. To show this in a basic topology, we will use the below topology configured with three Cisco 3600 series routers.

Firstly, we will start to do the configuration for Inverse-ARP way.The configurations are below:

Istanbul Router Configuration

Istanbul (config) # interface serial 0/0
Istanbul (config-if) # ip address
Istanbul (config-if) # encapsulation frame-relay
Istanbul (config-if) # frame-relay interface-dlci 100
Istanbul (config-if) # no shutdown
Istanbul (config-if) # end
Istanbul # write

Note 1 : In Cisco routers you must enter “frame-relay switching” command to configure the router as a frame-relay switch.

Note 2 : If there is another router aside from Cisco router, then you must use “encapsulation frame-relay ietf” command.

Frame-Relay Switch Configuration

FR_Switch (config) # interface serial 0/0
FR_Switch (config-if) # no ip address
FR_Switch (config-if) # encapsulation frame-relay
FR_Switch (config-if) # clock rate 64000
FR_Switch (config-if) # frame-relay intf-type dce
FR_Switch (config-if) # frame-relay route 100 interface serial 0/1 300 
FR_Switch (config-if) # no shutdown
FR_Switch (config-if) # exit
FR_Switch (config) # interface serial 0/1
FR_Switch (config-if) # no ip address
FR_Switch (config-if) # encapsulation frame-relay
FR_Switch (config-if) # clock rate 64000
FR_Switch (config-if) # frame-relay intf-type dce
FR_Switch (config-if) # frame-relay route 300 interface serial 0/0 100 
FR_Switch (config-if) # no shutdown
FR_Switch (config-if) # end
FR_Switch # write

Ankara Router Configuration

Ankara (config) # interface serial 0/0
Ankara (config-if) # ip address
Ankara (config-if) # encapsulation frame-relay
Ankara (config-if) # frame-relay interface-dlci 300
Ankara (config-if) # no shutdown
Ankara (config-if) # end
Ankara # write

To check the connection between the routers, you can use the below ping commands:

Lesson tags: frame-relay, cisco IOS, packet tracer, cisco packet tracer, wan
Back to: Cisco Packet Tracer Lab Course > WAN Configurations
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