AS you know Frame-Relay is a well-known WAN technology that generally used for backbone routers. To understand the basic configuration of Frame-Relay, there is a configuration below with three Cisco 3600 Series Router and one Frame-Relay Switch.
First of all, we will start with Frame-Relay Switch. On GNS3 create a Frame-Relay Switch and right click the Frame-Relay Switch. Configure the DLCI – port mapping like below:
1:101 10:202
1:102 11:203After mapping, connect the routers to the Frame-Relay Switch port mentioned in the mapping via serial connection.
( R1 to port 1, R2 to port 10, R3 to port 11)
It is time to configure our routers. Starting with the R1 make the below configuration. Here, the Hub Router is R1.
R1 Configuration
R1(config)# no logging console
R1 (config)# int s 0/0
R1 (config-if)# no shut
R1 (config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
R1 (config-if)# interface s0/0.1 point-to-point
R1 (config-subif)# ip address
R1 (config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 101
R1 (config-fr-dlci)# exit
R1 (config-subif)# interface s0/0.2 point-to-point
R1 (config-subif)# ip address
R1 (config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 102
R1 (config-fr-dlci)# exit
R1 (config-subif)# write
Now, configure the R2 for Frame-Relay. Here you can get help from “show frame-relay pvc” command.
R2 Configuration
R2 (config)# no logging console
R2 (config)# int s 0/0
R2 (config-if)# no shut
R2 (config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
R2 (config-if)# interface serial 0/0.1 point-to-point
R2 (config-subif)# ip address
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