Syslog Configuration Cisco


Syslog Configuration (Cisco)

In this Syslog Configuration Cisco example, we will learn How to do Syslog Configuration on Cisco Routers. Here, we will use the below simple topology consist of a Cisco Router and a Syslog Server.


Here, we will go through 3 steps, these are:

  1. IP Configurations
  2. Syslog Configuration
  3. Checking Logs


So, let’s start Syslog Configuration step by step.


You can also check Packet Tracer SSH Configuration


IP Configurations

Firsty, we will do the ip configurations of both router and server interfaces. This is a classical IP address configuraration. We will use the below ip addresses:


Router Fa0/0 ->

Server Fa0 ->


On Router we will do the below configuration:

Router # configure terminal

Router (config)# interface fastEthernet 0/0

Router (config-if)# ip address

Router (config-if)# no shutdown

Router (config-if)# exit

On Server we will do the below configuration:




You can also learn Packet Tracer DHCP Configuration


Syslog Configuration

In this step, we will configure 3 sub steps. These are the main Syslog configuration steps in a router. Here, we will do the below jobs:

  • Enabling Syslog
  • Setting Syslog Server IP
  • Setting Trap Level


On Cisco routers, firstly we will enable syslog with “logging on” command.

Router (config)# logging on


After that we will enter the Log Server IP address. This IP address will be the interface IP address of our Syslog Server. It is

Router (config)# logging


Lastly, we will set the trap level. As you can see in the first Picture, there are 8 trap levels. These are:

  • 0 Emergency
  • 1 Alert
  • 2 Critical
  • 3 Error
  • 4 Warning
  • 5 Notification
  • 6 Informational
  • 7 Debug


Here, if you select any of these levels, all the other levels lover than it, will be showed in the logs. For example if you select Critical level (3), then Critical (3), Alert(2) and Emergency(1) Levels will be in the logs. For thsi example, we will set tap level as “debug”. So, we will see all the logs after this configuration.

Router (config)# logging trap debugging


Lesson tags: syslog, logging
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