SSID is one of the key terms used in wireless networking. In this lesson, we will focus on SSID meaning for Wi-Fi and the other details related with this wireless term. We will learn how to find SSID on different platforms. We will also remember the meanings of BSS and ESS. Let’s focus on this term that you will encounter a lot in Wi-Fi.
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SSID is an important term for Wi-fi (Wireless Fidelity). What is SSI stands for? What is the meaning of SSID? SSID is one of the standards of IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networking. It is the abbreviation of Service Set Identifier. SSID is the name of your Wi-Fi Network.
When you click the wireless sign in your laptop or in your mobile phone, you see the different names of Wi-Fi networks around you. These names are SSIDs. To connect internet, you are connected to one of these Wi-Fi networks defined with a name. This name is your SSID. The length of an SSID can be reached up to 32 characters.
SSIDs or in other words, network names, consist of different characters. Any letters and numbers can be used in an SSID (Service Set Identifier). This name can be your name, your surname, your favorite film name or anything you want. Beside the letters of these words, you can also use different number in your SSID. As a best practice, it is good to give a name that do not identify your identity. Because, this network name can be seen by outside your home or company and announcing that “this is my network” is a security risk.
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In a wireless network there are devices like wireless routers and access points. These devices broadcast the name of the network or in other words Service Set Identifier. Users see SSID, in other words, network name and connect to it.
In IEEE 802.11 WLAN standard, SSID is attached to packet headers sent in WLAN. By doing this, it provides data to send and received by the correct network.
Wireless router manufacturers add a default SSID to their routers. These default SSIDs generally consist of vendor name with different letters and numbers. As a best practice and a security protection, it is good to change this default SSID value. Because, using the default one can cause a confusion and vulnerability to malicious network attacks.
Changing an SSID is not a difficult job. The only thing you need to do is, changing the name of your network (SSID) in the wireless router related area.
BSS and ESS are two different wireless topology types. BSS (Basic Service Set) is a group of devices consist of an Access Point and its clients that get service from this AP. ESS (Extended Service Set) is a group of BSSes including more than one Access Point. In an ESS, user can roam. Here, SSID is a 1 to 32 bytes name given to each ESS (Extended Service Set).
We can find SSID differently in different operating systems. Let’s see how to find SSIs in different platforms:
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